Product Details Page
The Product Details page provides a list of the classes associated with the selected product along with specific license information.
The product details page allows you to:
- Click the class name to navigate to the Class Details page.
- Click the Associate more classes button to add more classes to the selected product.
- View License usage.
- Review License pool details.
The product details page provides a detailed view of the product license information, including the Product ID, and the Learning Systems using the product. Total counts for the following information are available at the top of the page.
The following screenshot is an example of the information available on the Products Detail page. This product has two distinctive license pools (two separate purchases), for a total of 200 licenses. Currently one class has been assigned this product.
In this sample screenshot, there is one set of licenses (one license pool), for a total of 100 licenses. Three classes are using 10 licenses, making 90 licenses still available. To see which teachers and students are using this product, click the underlined number in the respective category.

Products can be added to additional classes directly on the Product Details page. Below the License Information section is the Classes section. Click the blue Associate More Classes button to bring up a smaller window. You can either scroll through the list of classes, or use the filter at the top to more quickly locate the class to add. Check the box to the left of the class or classes you wish to use the product and select the blue Associate Classes button at the bottom of the page. Close out of the window using the X in the upper right corner to return to the Product Details page.
Click the Go to Class Details link to the right of the teacher name to quickly navigate to a specific class directly from the Products Details page.
See Also
Bulk Add Products on Classes Tab
Manage Products for Individual Classes